It’s the last day of 2017. I was going to write one more thing before the end of the year. And I didn’t. Well, not yet.
You see, I would write if…
I would write if I had a new journal.
I would write if I had a pen.
I would write if I had a place to write that wasn’t covered in chaos from my move.
I would write if I had the time.
I would write if I had an idea to write about.
I would write if there was a reason to write. (Other than getting a new journal.)
I would write if it wasn’t New Year’s Eve.
I would write if it weren’t depressing to forego 3 different parties so I might spend that time organizing my house.
I would write if I were in love.
I would write if I were paid for this very idea.
I would write if I could remember what I wanted to write about.
I would write if I weren’t so cozy here next to the fire.
I would write if I were being chased by an alligator about being chased by an alligator.
I would write if it wasn’t almost the New Year.
I would write if I weren’t so tired.
I would write if …
A friend of mine in Denver has a Meetup writing group called, Shut Up and Write. Mostly he and a friend show up every week and write for a few hours in a coffee shop. He called earlier to let me know that he has ten people signed up to write with them on Tuesday.
“Resolution Writers.” he said with disdain.
I think maybe two will show up for one write, and then wallow back to their soft, predictable lives of comfort without action. (Note the chocolates in the above picture? Delicious wallowing at my house.)
I more resemble a Writer of Procrastination than a writer pushed into a New Year's resolution/mortgage on my time. And I’ve procrastinated for many months as I searched for a house to buy and put offers on house after house until one finally stuck, like al dente spaghetti: This house is JUST RIGHT.
And since I've moved into my house that is JUST RIGHT it is time for me to JUST WRITE.
See you on the other side. Please hold me to this suggestion of productivity.
PS. This is not a chocolate commercial via the photo above. A friend surprised me with an edible housewarming gift. I suggested she come to visit, soon, (and bring more chocolates with her) because I miss her.
And you? Are you more of a procrastinator or a resolution starter?